Greenwich Community Land Trust London

Archio couldn't be happier to have supported our long-time clients London Community Land Trust and Greenwich Citizens Housing to secure two council-owned sites for community land trust homes. 

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We met the community group from Greenwich 4 years ago, and workshopped the principles of housing development. They used their skills to campaign for this the council to release these sites for community-led housing. Working with London CLT, our bid for the sites was supported by co-design with local residents.

As always we are impressed by the tenacity of London Community Land Trust demonstrating that there is a way to deliver genuinely affordable housing, for, and by, the community.

Across all three sites, resident wellbeing has been a key consideration in developing proposals. For example, Passivhaus construction will improve the internal environment through improved thermal comfort and air quality and the proposed building will provide excellent daylighting to habitable rooms, as well as plentiful views of the nature both of which are know to have a positive impact on wellbeing.

The main positive impact on wellbeing will of course come from the benefits of being part of an active community. Creating opportunities for informal social interaction has been a key consideration in designing the proposals, as has the plentiful provision of shared community spaces for organised activities and events.
