The Power of Community Housing in Addressing the Housing Challenges
August 2024
By Katie Sexton

Since the general election last month, the conversation around housing has gained significant momentum. With encouraging signals coming from the newly re-named Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, as well as the Deputy Prime Minister, it is refreshing to see attention being paid to the housing sector, especially considering these difficult times.

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Considering the limited resources that we have at our disposal, one of the more difficult challenges the government faces is how to deliver high-quality, yet affordable homes. Kyle Buchanan, Director here at Archio, believe that one of the key solutions lies within improving how we share resources. This is where community-led housing should be brought to centre stage. By pooling collective facilities—such as storage, laundry rooms, guest rooms, and community spaces—we can reduce the burden on individual homes. This approach not only makes efficient use of resources but also fosters a stronger sense of community, with all the positive social impacts that come with it.

A few years ago, we had the opportunity to discuss this very topic at an event hosted by Esther Kurland at Urban Design Learning. Buchanan’s presentation touched on the potential of shared living based on work we did with Jo Cawdell and Tom Sykes during their time at TfL. Buchanan also explored some practical applications of these ideas in a recent Archio project—Angel Yard Cohousing. This project, led by Archio Director, Mellis Haward, and our team at Archio, in collaboration with Neil Murphy and Gemma Holyoak of TOWN, is a testament to the power of shared living in modern housing solutions.

You can watch the presentation here

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